Monday, June 22, 2015

Exercise 8 Trouble

While doing exercise 8 my code would not work. This is because I have my three variables as integers and they are equal to text. I fixed this by adding Val()

Final Reflection

1.     Briefly describe the project/assignment you accomplished.
I created a text based game which utilizes if statements to simulate real world choices.
2.    What did you learn that surprised you?
I learned how useful arrays are. Previously I did not see a point to them but I now realize how useful they are.
3.    What challenged you? How did you meet the challenge?
String manipulation challenged me. Using my elbow partners and Ms. Stark I learned to successfully manipulate string.
4.    What would you do differently if you have a chance to do this project again? Why?
If I could do my final project again I would add picture boxes to make my game more visually stimulating.
5.    What have you discovered about yourself as a learner?
I have discovered how creative I can be when coming up with solutions to problems.
6.    How did the project connect to your understanding of programming?
I have a much greater understanding of code, not just Visual Basic but programming concepts.
7.    Thinking back to a particular project or your final project complete the sentence.  Regarding the _______ assignment, I discovered that I ....
Regarding the Math Tutor assignment I discovered that Visual basic has many built in functions that you can use to create a fun and useful program.
8.    How did this learning relate to your goals (personal, academic, or professional)?
I don’t plan to go into programming but I do want to have an understanding of how things work. This class gave me the understanding I had been searching for.
9.    How did this learning relate to the things you are learning in your other courses ?
This relates to my Pre Calc class. In Pre Calc we were learned how to do functions like exponential growth and decay which are things we had to include in Visual Basic programs.
10. How have you grown as a student this semester?
I have greatly grown as a student. I have learned to think creatively and ask not only my teacher for help but also my peers.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Final Project 6/17/15

Today I put the finishing touches on my project. It is now finished.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Final Project Monday 6/15

Today I fixed bugs in my code and made it more efficient. I also added an array.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Messagebox(“Hello and welcome to Would You Like to Buy a Bridge. In this game your goal is to sell the bridge to people, just wander through the world explore the dialogue and attempt to sucker people into buying the Brookline Bridge.”)

Painting as Boolean
dim paintchance as integer

Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School and see three paths in front of you”
Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”
If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

if Painting = true then
messagebox(“You Win”)
end if
end sub

sub Field()
label.text = “You walk onto the bright and sunny field you see a man in a coat sitting at a picnic bench. You also see kids playing soccer.”

Btn1.text = “go to kids”
Btn2.text = “go to table”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call kids
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call table
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

sub Square()
label.text = “You walk into lovely washington square, you see a woman outside of starbucks and a turkey across the street.”

Btn1.text = “go to turkey”
Btn2.text = “go to woman”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call turkey
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call woman
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

sub Village()
label.text = “You enter the glorious Brookline village, you see a hill in the distance, you also see Starbucks.

Btn1.text = “go to Starbucks”
Btn2.text = “go to Hill”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call Starbucks
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Hill
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Kids()

label.text = “You see a kid kicking a soccer ball you walk up to him and say:”

Btn1.text = “Hey, how are you”
Btn2.text = “Sup bruv”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call kidshey
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call kidsup
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

sub Table()
label.text = “You sit down across a man in a dusty black coat, he looks at you.”

Btn1.text = “Nice weather”
Btn2.text = “Stare at him”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call Tableweather
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Tablestare
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

sub turkey
label.text = “You walk up to the turkey. The turkey stares at you with awful burning eyes and says “gobble, goooble gob gob gobble””
Sub Kids()

Btn1.text = “Gooble gobble?”
Btn2.text = “gobble gobble gobble”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call turkey1a
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call turkey2a
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub woman()

label.text = “You approach the woman walking down the sidewalk, looks at you”

Btn1.text = “Hey, how are you”
Btn2.text = “Sup”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call womanhey
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call womansup
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub starbucks()

label.text = “you enter the starbucks and see Vladimir Putin ordering a coffee”

Btn1.text = “ привет”
Btn2.text = “Hello Mr. Putin”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call Putinпривет
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Putinhello
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub hill()

label.text = “You walk into the middle of a hill. You can either go up or down.”

Btn1.text = “Up”
Btn2.text = “Down”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then = “You attempt to go down the hill you trip and die”
else if Btn2.clicked = true then“You walk up the hill. You get tired and fall asleep you wake up at the middle of the hill”)
for count as integer = 1 to 5“WAKE UP”)
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Kidshey()

label.text = “I’m good”

Btn1.text = “What are you doing with that soccerball”
Btn2.text = “Do you wanna get rich”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call kidssoccer
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call kidsrich
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Kidsup()

label.text = “He says: “sup bruv””

Btn1.text = “Oi, wanna make some quid”
Btn2.text = “nice weather”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call kidsoi
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call kidsweather
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Tableweather()

label.text = “The man says: “The weather here is hot yes, but it is far hotter in Kashmir””

Btn1.text = “Are you a spy?”
Btn2.text = “But it is cool in the winter”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call tablequestion
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call tablespy
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Tablestare()

label.text = “The man pulls out a briefcase”

Btn1.text = “What's in there”
Btn2.text = “Keep staring”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call tablebriefcase
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call tablestare2
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Turkey1a()

label.text = “goble goble goooooobul gob”

Btn1.text = “gob gob”
Btn2.text = “goooooooooooooooooble”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call turkey1b
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call turkey1b
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Turkey2a()


Btn1.text = “GAGOO”
Btn2.text = “gob gob”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call turkey2b
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call turkey2c
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Womanhey()

label.text = “Hi”

Btn1.text = “you look rich”
Btn2.text = “got money?”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call womanrich
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call womanmoney
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Womansup()

label.text = “She looks at you and in a deep voice says: “SUP”

Btn1.text = “Excuse me”
Btn2.text = “Got any money?”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call womanexcuse
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call womanmoney
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub привет()

label.text = “что Ñ‚Ñ‹ хочешь”

Btn1.text = “Смерть шпионам”
Btn2.text = “деньги”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
call Putinspy
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call putinmoney
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Putinhello()

label.text = “”I do not speak English”, he then throws leaves the shop”

Btn1.text = “leave”
Btn2.text = “leave”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub KidSoccer()

label.text = “The kid kicks the soccerball. You get hit and fall to the ground”“You are dead”)

end sub

Sub kidrich()

label.text = “The kid says: “Oh that would be great”

Btn1.text = “Well I have a deal for you, I have this bridge see”
Btn2.text = “Then buy this bridge”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
paintbridge = (int((3 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this kid. You win”)
else“the kid says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn2.clicked = true then
paintbridge = (int((6 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this kid. You win”)
else“the kid says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Kidsoi()

label.text = “He says: “I’d love to””

Btn1.text = “Then spend some quid and buy a bridge”
Btn2.text = “Then buy this bridge”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
paintbridge = (int((3 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this kid. You win”)
else“the kid says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn2.clicked = true then
paintbridge = (int((6 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this kid. You win”)
else“the kid says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Tablequestion()

label.text = “The man looks at you for five minutes then starts reading the newspaper”

Btn1.text = “leave”
Btn2.text = “leave”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Tablespy()

label.text = “Then man opens the briefcase to reveal a case full of cash”

Btn1.text = “Wanna buy a bridge?”
Btn2.text = “Headquarters called they want you to buy a bridge”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
paintbridge = (int((10 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this man. You win”)
else“the man says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn2.clicked = true then“You have sold the bridge to this man. You win”)

else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Tablebriefcase()“The man pulls a gun out of the briefcase and shoots you”)

end sub

Sub Tablestare2()

label.text = “The man looks at you for five minutes then starts reading the newspaper”

Btn1.text = “leave”
Btn2.text = “leave”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Turkey1b()

label.text = “gobobobogobogooobllle”

Btn1.text = “wanna buy this bridge”
Btn2.text = “Hey I got this bridge...”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
paintbridge = (int((3 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this turkey. You win”)
else“the turkey says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn2.clicked = true then
paintbridge = (int((5 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this turkey. You win”)
else“the turkey says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Turkey2b()

label.text = “goble goblble gobgob”

Btn1.text = “boy do I have an offer for you….”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
paintbridge = (int((11 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this turkey. You win”)
else“the turkey says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call turkey2c
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Turkey2c()“The turkey jumps at your throat and pecks you to death”)
end sub

Sub Womanrich()

label.text = “She says: “as a matter of fact I am”

Btn1.text = “Then you should buy this bridge”
Btn2.text = “Well I have a great offer for you”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
paintbridge = (int((7 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this woman. You win”)
else“the woman says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn2.clicked = true then
paintbridge = (int((3 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this woman. You win”)
else“the woman says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Turkey1a()

label.text = “goble goble goooooobul gob”

Btn1.text = “gob gob”
Btn2.text = “goooooooooooooooooble”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
paintbridge = (int((40 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this turkey. You win”)
else“the turkey says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn2.clicked = true then
paintbridge = (int((4 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to this turkey. You win”)
else“the turkey says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Womanmoney()

label.text = “she grabs her purse and walks away”

Btn1.text = “leave”
Btn2.text = “leave”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Womanexcuse()“”Excuse this” she pulls out a gun and shoots you”)

end sub

Sub Putinspy()

label.text = “He looks at you and says “I see””

Btn1.text = “Now buy bridge, for the Motherland”
Btn2.text = “Spite America and buy a bridge”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
paintbridge = (int((6 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to Putin. You win”)
else“Putin says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn2.clicked = true then
paintbridge = (int((2 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to Putin. You win”)
else“Putin says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub

Sub Putinmoney()

label.text = “He looks at you and says “Why”

Btn1.text = “For a bridge”
Btn2.text = “ buy a bridge”
Btn3.text = “leave”

If = true then
paintbridge = (int((66 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to Putin. You win”)
else“Putin says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn2.clicked = true then
paintbridge = (int((55 * rnd()) +1)))
if paintbridge =  2 then“You have sold the bridge to Putin. You win”)
else“Putin says no”)
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if

else if Btn3.clicked = true then
Label.text = “You walk out into bright and sunny Brookline, you are outside the School  and see three paths in front of you”

Btn1.text = “Go to Cyprus Field”
Btn2.text = “Go to Brookline Village”
Btn3.text = “Go to Washington Square”

If = true then
call Field
else if Btn2.clicked = true then
call Village
else if Btn3.clicked = true then
call Square
End if
End if
end sub